Najnovejših Magnolinih štampiljk nimam, ustvarjam s tistim, kar imam in tokrat sem naredila še eno velikonočno. Prejšnjič sem uporabila Letraset ProMarkerje, tokrat pa sem jo pobarvala z Distress inki.
Pa res je razlika.
Čeprav sem še vajenka z Distressi so se mi ti že prikupili.
No, naj vam jo pokažem,
še malo...
pa je tu...
Uporabila sem:
Magnolino štampiljko
Distress inki barvanje
Max Birgmann papir
Sizzix noži krog in kvadrat z robom
Marianne Design Creatables Die Cutting & Embossing set of three dies flower LR 0105
Joy Die Cutting & Embossing Stencil Butterflies 6002/0027
Picture Punch robna štanca bordura metulji
šivalni stroj, bel sukanec
diamantki stara zaloga
Prijavljam na izzive:
Najlepša hvala za vaš obisk,
ogled, komentar.
Prijeten nov teden vam želim,
do prihodnjič
lep pozdrav
Hai fatto una bellissima card per Pasqua. Dolcissimo, il timbro,che hai colorato perfettamente.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTi auguro un buon inizio settimana, Ursula
This is just so adorable, I love all the yellow. I think you do such a beautiful job with your layouts of your cards. And the stitching is always a sweet detail. I hope your doing well, I see you made it to blog lovin. I really like the site. Thanks for joining us this week at WAW too. Hugs across the ocean to you my sweet friend.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a cute image, and it's just embellished SO sweetly. Thanks so much for sharing this in our challenge. It's always such a blessing to have you share your wonderful art with us.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBlessings to you,
Word Art Wednesday
Hi, Tamara,
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou posted so quickly ! (I've just posted my Gilli project on my own Blog !)
Love your card and tks for participating on the House of Gilli Challenge.
Hugs, Yone
Pozdrav Tamara, prekrasna je cestitka, totalno mi se svidja. Boje su tako zivahne, proljetne.Lp, Sonja.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTako zelo lepo pobarano in postavitev ter izbira barv je čudovita!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOooo, kako je krasna. Všeč mi je postavitev in vse te rožice. Trije metuljčki na kupu so pa mega. :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovito velikonočno voščilnico si ustvarila. Tilda je vrhunsko pobarvana, barve so zelo lepe, nežne, pomladne, sestavljena pa je v nulo :-) Metuljčki so super!
OdgovoriIzbrišiEin ganz toller Karten Sketch den Du wunderschön umgesetzt hast. Die Blumen und Schmetterlinge gefallen mir sehr gut und auch wie Du die Ränder wieder genäht hast.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLiebe Grüße-Carmen
This is beautiful Tamara, I like Tilda popping out of the egg all the stitching and the butterflies.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKevin xx
Very pretty card with lovely Spring colours x
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a pretty card! Thanks for sharing with us at Card Makin' Mamas hugs Susan x
OdgovoriIzbrišiFletna ni kaj. Dobro si jo pobarvala. Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiSoooo pretty Tamara....FABulous image...FABulous colours..FABulous design.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLOve it.
Oh Tamara - such a lovely card! Your cards get more and more beautiful! Hugs. Di xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiA beautiful card Tamara, I especially like the flowered corners and colours.
What a cute card you made Tamara :) Tilda is so cute when she peeks out of the egg.
OdgovoriIzbrišihugs Isabelle
oh kako je luštna! tudi jaz sem jo barvala pa sem se potem raje odločila za piščančka in jajček. lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiA lovely Spring card, love the image and flowers. Thank you for joining us over at Glitter n Sparkle, good luck
OdgovoriIzbrišiAdorable card thank you for showing us at Sweet Stampin'. Debbiex
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh superb card Tamara ! So lovely design, so nice details !
Such a sweet darling card you have made. Thank you for the lovely comment.
OdgovoriIzbrišiGod Bless,
Prav krasna Tildka. Super si jo pobarvala. Barve in postavitev na voščilnici so mi tudi všeč.
OdgovoriIzbrišiO,kako simpatična in pomladno razigrana.Lepo si jo pobarvala.Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi tamara
OdgovoriIzbrišiwhat a cute image - it is such a feminine card
I'm not sure what's happening either Tamara..
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really can't see them changing to much.
I'm not putting anything on my blog for now, just going to wait and see what happens. We got a new look on our blogs last year and people were panicking they might loose their followers and started a 'Mr Linky' but nothing changed..
We will keep each other informed...I won't loose you x
What a pretty Easter card Tamara, I love the gorgeous butterfly border and that beautiful stitching.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at Magnolia Down Under this week for our Inspirational Picture Challenge.
Sharon x
Your card is so gorgeous. Love the edging and the flowers in the corners are so cute. And that Tilda image is fantastic. Wonderful! Thanks for blessing us this week with your project at Word Art Wednesday. Have an awesome day.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJO ANN
Such a pretty card. I adore all your die cut embellishments and stitching.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining and sharing with us at Magnolia Down Under this week.
Hugs from Bron x
This is so beautiful! :) gorgeous cute image and fab springlike feel :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks so much for joining us at Sweet Stampin this week,
Lovely image and I LOVE the butterflies pinched around the edges of your card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery pretty card! Love the colors! Thanks for the inspiration!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHoney B Allende
this is great thanks for joining us at glitter n sparkle and good luck emma xx
OdgovoriIzbrišioooh.. This is beautiful! LOVE IT!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at Glitter n Sparkle...
Toni - DT